How to Contact Bell's Brewery

How do I contact Bell's?

Can't find an answer in our Help Center? Feel free to contact us!

Contact Form

If you have a specific question or department to reach, this is the best place to start!

Select your message category and pick a contact form, then fill out the form to submit a ticket. Your options include: 
  1. General Customer Service
  2. Quality Concerns
  3. Eccentric Cafe
  4. Online Merch
  5. General Store
  6. Eccentric Cafe Events
  7. Tours
  8. Eccentric Cafe Concert Bookings
  9. Sustainability Questions
  10. Rebates & Sweepstakes
  11. Employment/Jobs
  12. 501c(3) CharitableDonation Questions
  13. Sponsorship Inquiries
  14. Public Relation Inquiries
  15. Media Inquiries
Once you have filled out the form and completed all boxes with a red asterisk*, a team member will be in contact with you as soon as possible.


Bell's Eccentric Cafe: 1-269-382-2332

Bell's General Store: 1-269-382-5712

Comstock Brewery: 1-269-382-2338 

Social Media DMs

We are on the apps and here to respond!
Instagram: @bellsbrewery
Eccentric Cafe: @bellseccentriccafe

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